1. Disclosure Policy

Disclosure Policy

Standards of Information Disclosure

Edulab Inc. (hereinafter “the Company”) endeavors to disclose important information in a fair, timely and appropriate manner in order to facilitate understanding of the Company to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, business partners and the local community. We strive to disclose information in accordance with timely disclosure regulations determined by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, other applicable laws and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. In addition, we will do our utmost to actively disclose information judged to be influential on investment decisions and effective for understanding the Company even when timely disclosure regulations and other laws are not applicable.

Information Disclosure Method

The Company discloses information on the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Stock Exchange. In principle, the Company will also make the disclosed information promptly available on its website. In addition, we will endeavor to disclose information widely and in an easy-to-understand manner by utilizing several information transmission methods, including briefing sessions and different printed materials. Furthermore, when disclosing important information, we will strive to ensure fair disclosure in terms of both time and content and prevent selective disclosure to specific persons.

Prevention of Insider Trading

The Company has established internal regulations to prevent insider trading and strives to ensure thorough understanding of these regulations throughout the entire Group. We will also do our utmost to prevent insider trading by strictly managing important information that could affect investment decisions.

Quiet Period

In order to prevent leaking of information related to financial results (including information related to quarterly results) and to ensure fairness, the Company has established a Quiet Period from four weeks prior to the announcement date of the financial results of each quarter until the announcement date of the financial results. During this period, we will refrain from answering questions and making comments about financial results and earnings estimates. However, information subject to timely disclosure will still be disclosed in a timely and appropriate manner during this period.

Development of Company Internal System

In accordance with this Disclosure Policy, the Company will strive to develop and improve its internal system in order to disclose important information in an appropriate manner.

  1. Disclosure policy